Community Services
Many services are available in town. For other trades and services or enquiries contact 9681 1166.
Wheatbelt Agcare (a counselling and referral service) 9046 5091 Councillor Di Morgan 0488 964 255
Service |
Name |
Address |
Opening Hours |
Contact Info |
Website |
Library and Tourist Centre |
Wyalkatchem Community Resource Centre |
Lot 5700 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
9am-4:30pm (Mon-Fri)
9681 1500 | |
Mail |
Australia Post - Wyalkatchem LPO |
41 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
9am-5pm (Mon-Fri)
9681 1330 |
Email and Internet Service |
Wyalkatchem Community Resource Centre |
Lot 5700 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
9am-4:30pm (Mon-Fri)
9681 1500 | |
Banking |
Australia Post - Wyalkatchem LPO |
25 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
9am-5pm (Mon - Fri)
9681 1330 |
Food |
Dunning's Wyalkatchem Roadhouse |
Lot 329 Hands Drive, Wyalkatchem |
6am-4pm (All Week)
9681 1333 |
Food |
Wyalkatchem Hotel |
35 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
12pm-2pm lunch
6pm-8pm dinner
12pm-late bar
9681 1210 |
Food |
Wylie Garden Cafe |
31 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
6am-2pm (Mon-Sun)
6102 3784 |
Food |
Wyalkatchem General Store |
43 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem |
8:30am-5:15pm (Mon-Fri)
8:30am-12pm (Sat + Sun)
9681 1261 |
Doctor/Medical |
Larry Elsegood Medical Centre |
Honour Avenue, Wyalkatchem |
By appointment |
9681 1140 |
Wallambin Lodge Social Committee
Hospital, HACC and Meals on Wheels
Lyn Stewart
June Smith
Wyalkatchem & Districts Hospital
0408 928 128
0447 847 417
9692 1222
Mechanic |
Petchell Mechanical |
1 Riches Street, Wyalkatchem |
0427 811 007
0438 300 117
Advertising |
Wylie Weekly |
Trevor Webb
0428 354 650
Rubbish Collection
A contract rubbish service which uses 240 L mobile bins is provided to townsite residents every Monday
Contact the Shire on 9681 1166 for all enquiries
Licensing and Registrations
Motor vehicles, drivers and gun licenses can be paid at the Bushel (CRC) on Railway Tce
ALL dogs and cats need to be registered or fines will apply. This can be done at the Shire office on Honour Ave
Swimming Pool
Wylie's Olympic size swimming pool opening times are Tuesdays to Sundays 12pm to 7pm from 1 November to 31 March
Free admission , contact Shire 9681 1166

Community Bus
Available for hire, contact Shire 9681 1166
Recreation Centre
The kitchen, bar and function areas can be hired on request

Buildings at the Recreation Centre

Netball/basketball Courts at the rec centre

Cricket nets at the rec centre
Pet Cemetery
A pet cemetery is located opposite the Rubbish Tip entrance where residents are welcome to bury their beloved pets who have died
A pet cemetery burial fact sheet can be found here.