Visitor Centre and CBH Museum

Railway Tce
At the site of the original Wheatbin, the museum houses a wonderful collection of equipment which traces the history of farming and transportation from the early 1900s to the present. Much of the machinery is still in working condition as is the “Waterloo Boy” one of the first John Deere tractor models made in 1920. It is one of very few in Australia and takes pride of place in the museum.
The Visitor Centre and Library is now located at the front of the museum in 'The Bushel'.
Old School House Museum

41 Flint St (cnr Gamble St)
Set up as a house of earlier times with articles in room settings. Also contains the old switchboard from the telephone exchange and various old printing machines.
Viewing by appointment;
Phone Pat Jones 9681 1036 or Wendy Begley 9681 1397.
Wyalkatchem Rodeo
On a walk along the main street you will discover several murals of Wyalkatchem depicting various aspects of life in the town and rural areas.
Cowcowing Lake
Cowcowing is a small town located just off the Koorda-Wyalkatchem Road. The town originated as a railway siding and was later gazetted as a townsite in 1919. The name of the nearby lake was original the Aboriginal name 'Gow gow eeh lake', which has since been renamed to Cowcowing Lake. The meaning of the name remains unknown.
Korrelocking Reserve

Take the road to Trayning and turn left at Tyler Road just before the Korrelocking townsite. A wonderful place for a picnic.
There is a pioneer well a short walk from the car park.
Eastern Wheatbelt Wildflower Hotspots
Cottage Craft - scones and tea every Friday from 10am

Wyalkatchem Cemetery

Three kilometres west of town, follow along the north side of the railway line. Graves date from 1916.