Declaration Register

Declaration Register
Meeting Date Name of Relevant Person Declaring an Interest Meeting Type Item relating to Interest Nature of Interest
18/07/2024 Cr Tracy Dickson Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.1.5 Subdivision - Borgward Rd, Wyalkatchem - Subdivision Application Financial and Proximity - owner of the property
16/05/2024 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 13.1 - 10.2.2 - Late Item - Restricted Vehicle Application from Main Roads. Proximity - The farming business has neighboring land to the road in question. The outcome will not impact the business in any way.
19/10/2023 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL LOT 1164, NEMBUDDING Financial and Proximity - The development is on Cr Garners land and is for his son and daughter in law.
19/10/2023 Cr Christy Petchell Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.1.4 - FEES AND CHARGES AMMENDMENT RE FENCING Indirect Financial - Cr Petchell has an interest in hiring the fencing in the near future and this item confirms the price she would be paying
21/09/2023 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - Development Approval Lot 9984 Tammin - Wyalkatchem Rd Cr Stratford own the block of land directly opposite the related property. We do not share a fence line/ boundary. We will be a neighbor.
18/05/2023 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - The Shire of Wyalkatchem seeks the WA Planning Commission’s support and the Hon. Minister’s approval to a Scheme Amendment to change the permissibility of a Grouped dwelling in a Rural zone from an ‘X’ use to a ‘D’ use (discretionary). The Amendment will be supported by the adoption of a Local Planning Policy (LPP) outlining the application of the Council’s discretion. Financial - Approval may have a beneficial financial impact - I wouldn't need to go through the process of resurveying locations.
18/05/2023 Terry Delane Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.2 - REPLACEMENT OF LIGHT VEHICLES The Chief Executive Officer and Manager of Works have an interest in this item, as it relates to matters concerning their allocated vehicles
20/10/2022 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.2 - Local Planning Scheme amendment No 1 - to allow multiple dwellings on rural properties. Financial - This item may mean that i will not have to undertake resurveying of location boundaries to achieve planned housing objectives for my son and daughter in law.
15/09/2022 Cr Christy Petchell Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 13.1 - Urgent Business - Confidential Item Impartiality - The Item relates to a family member
17/02/2022 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.3 - Community Grant Outcome - Tennis Club Impartial - Cr Stratford is an active member in the Tennis Club and Committee Member and there may be a perception by others that her interests in the matter are biased.