Declaration Register

Declaration Register
Meeting Date Name of Relevant Person Declaring an Interest Meeting Type Item relating to Interest Nature of Interest
15/08/2024 Cr Loton Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.3 - 10.4.3. SPONSORSHIP – GLIDING CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED Cr Loton declared an impartiality Interest due to kinship in Item 10.4.3. Sponsorship – Gliding Club of Western Australia Incorporated. The extent of his interest is that the Club is storing their aircraft in his grandfather’s hanger. Cr Loton will remain in the meeting and vote on the matter.
18/07/2024 Cr Tracy Dickson Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.1.5 Subdivision - Borgward Rd, Wyalkatchem - Subdivision Application Financial and Proximity - owner of the property
16/05/2024 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 13.1 - 10.2.2 - Late Item - Restricted Vehicle Application from Main Roads. Proximity - The farming business has neighboring land to the road in question. The outcome will not impact the business in any way.
19/10/2023 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL LOT 1164, NEMBUDDING Financial and Proximity - The development is on Cr Garners land and is for his son and daughter in law.
19/10/2023 Cr Christy Petchell Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.1.4 - FEES AND CHARGES AMMENDMENT RE FENCING Indirect Financial - Cr Petchell has an interest in hiring the fencing in the near future and this item confirms the price she would be paying
21/09/2023 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - Development Approval Lot 9984 Tammin - Wyalkatchem Rd Cr Stratford own the block of land directly opposite the related property. We do not share a fence line/ boundary. We will be a neighbor.
18/05/2023 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.4.1 - The Shire of Wyalkatchem seeks the WA Planning Commission’s support and the Hon. Minister’s approval to a Scheme Amendment to change the permissibility of a Grouped dwelling in a Rural zone from an ‘X’ use to a ‘D’ use (discretionary). The Amendment will be supported by the adoption of a Local Planning Policy (LPP) outlining the application of the Council’s discretion. Financial - Approval may have a beneficial financial impact - I wouldn't need to go through the process of resurveying locations.
18/05/2023 Terry Delane Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.2 - REPLACEMENT OF LIGHT VEHICLES The Chief Executive Officer and Manager of Works have an interest in this item, as it relates to matters concerning their allocated vehicles
20/10/2022 Cr Owen Garner Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.2 - Local Planning Scheme amendment No 1 - to allow multiple dwellings on rural properties. Financial - This item may mean that i will not have to undertake resurveying of location boundaries to achieve planned housing objectives for my son and daughter in law.
15/09/2022 Cr Christy Petchell Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 13.1 - Urgent Business - Confidential Item Impartiality - The Item relates to a family member
17/02/2022 Cr Mischa Stratford Ordinary Meeting of Council Item 10.2.3 - Community Grant Outcome - Tennis Club Impartial - Cr Stratford is an active member in the Tennis Club and Committee Member and there may be a perception by others that her interests in the matter are biased.